Improvisation Lessons

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Do you want your solos to rock? In this weeks lesson I’ll share with you the top 5 rock licks that the pros use to write killer solos. I’ll show you how to play each the five licks, how to modify them to make them your own, and stick around to the end for an exercise that will teach you how to chain these ideas together to make your own solo.

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In this weeks lesson we’re going to talk about how to mix major and minor pentatonic scales. This iconic blending of scales will help you spice up your solos by playing with the ideas of tension and release. Made famous by players like Eric Clapton, John Mayer, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, learning to mix major and minor pentatonic scales will become an essential part of your improvisational tool kit. We’ll cover why mixing major and minor pentatonic scales sounds so great, when and how to use it generally, and finally how to use this tool in a blues.

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This weeks lesson is on guitar phrasing, everything you need to know to stop sounding like a scale and be more musical when you improvise. It covers motifs, call and response, leaving space, acquiring vocabulary, and modifying your vocabulary to create original phrases on the fly like pro improvisers. If you feel that your solos just sound like scales, or would like to play more in a more musical and engaging manner, I think you will find many of the ideas in this post/video useful.


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