
About Courses

My in depth courses are designed from the ground up to deliver results. They are structured and comprehensive so you always know what you should be working on and how to do it. Each course contains a ordered sequence of modules and lessons that you can follow at your own pace. Each lesson comes with all the materials you will need to practice the concepts. If you need help you will have access to private area in the community where I will answer your questions.

Help Me Decide Which Courses To Release First

These courses are currently in the works. Help me decide which ones to release first by clicking the I’m Interested button at the bottom of the course card. This will help make sure that I’m giving you the content you want to see.

If you want to be notified when I release the courses make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter, Fretboard Philosophy using the form below. I’ll be giving my subscribers a heads up when the courses are ready.

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Learning How To Learn


Learning how to learn accelerates the rate at which you can acquire new skills. Dig into the what, why, and how of practice so that you can understand the process completely. Then apply your knowledge to any of the courses on Olicana Music to maximise what you can get from them. This course is essential for every musician and will show you how to truly get the most out of your practice time.


Alternate Picking


The definitive course on alternate picking. I’ll show you what the pro’s do differently that allows them to alternate pick anything they want. You’ll learn how the mechanics of alternate picking work, how to develop your own alternate picking using a step by step process, and how to use these concepts to problem solve any phrase you’re trying to learn.


The Science Of Speed


Learning to play fast is a science, not a gift. Anyone can learn fast musical ideas with the right approach. In this course I break down the science of how to get faster. I’ll show you how to practice using evidence based strategies in order to increase your guitar playing speed. You’ll learn exactly what to practice to get faster and why it works so you can apply the concepts to any aspect of your guitar playing.


Jamming The Blues


Learn to improvise like a blues legend with Jamming The Blues. I’ll show you how to go from knowing nothing about blues improvisation to being a fluent and capable soloist using simple tools and concepts. You’ll learn how the 12 bar blues form works and how to improvise over it with the minor pentatonic scale.  From there are show the secrets of proper blues phrasing, how to use the major pentatonic scale, and how to target the chord changes so that you can sound like your blues heroes.


Practical Music Theory


Learn music theory that’s actually useful. In practical music theory you’ll learn music theory from the ground up that you can directly apply to your guitar. We’ll cover everything you need to know so that you can better understand the things you’re playing, improvise with confidence, and write your own music.


Fretboard Mapping


Unlock the fretboard with Fretboard Mapping. You’ll learn effective strategies for visualising the fretboard. Everything from CAGED, to three note per string, triads and more. If you want to navigate the fretboard fluidly and understand how the things you’re playing fit into the big picture this course will provide you with everything you need to understand the fretboard inside and out.


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